miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

My Pets!

Hello! Write about today an very important issue for me as are my pets.

In my home there three dogs(Clara, Nagui and Luti) and a gerbil(Nacho). The gerbils are animals belonging to family of rodents which resember in their hind legs to kangaroos by its long tail and form to jump. With respect about dogs these are two females(mother and daughter) and a male also if not for race.  

My first dog was abandoned outside my house and then came a dog in the same way. Between them born six puppies which lived only one and time after get another dog which is the now lives in my house.
Also I would like to write about a hamster I had a pet call Pepino. This lived with us  from very small(days of life) and lived three years, I think it died by age, because these animals are short lived.

The importance that pets have for me is that they are part of family, also to be faithful companions of which I worry. I think we should be aware that we take care of them when we want to have one and worry about their feeding.

I can say that I love my pets and suffer a lot when sick or reaches the time in which die.

miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011


Hi all! Well It will begin by let them know about the book wich left me puzzled every time that read a chapter of this. The book is Angels and Demonds by Dan Brown published in 2000 and  then made movie the year 2009. This book is suspended and addresses issues science and religion. 

The plot of Angels and Demonds begins from the murder of Leonardo Vetra which was a physicist very prominent of CERN (European organization for nuclear research). This was found with a brand in his chest made with a red iron with the word Illuminati. The director of CERN Maximilian Kholer contact the professor Robert Langdon which is an expert in religious symbology. So the symbologist seeks to prevent that the legendary secret society of Illuminati destroy the Vatican city given the resent discovery of the power of antimatter. 

This book caught my attention, as since from the first moment of reading this brings me to hold and tries about issues that really I think interesting to know and that is I not thought of it out. I think in general  recommend to all person you like science, religion and fail.

I think this book is one of the most impressed me, as Dan Brown is for me considerer a great writer also has a number of books in the which has addressed issues of science and religion. Therefore more to recommend this book suggest read all the books by this author that achieve keep the reader on the edge of history.

miércoles, 11 de mayo de 2011

My pic!

Hi all!

I'll start explaining that in this photo appears my father and I and  indeed I have no idea who took, because was very small as to remember. 

The photo shows to my father holding me in his arms and I eating a piece of biscuit in the gallery of my house. This it took about when I was a half years old and really not that context was.

Elected this photo because appears my father wich is a person very significant for me and to which I admire much for his history of life and  so it is as a person also of as has been as a father to me and with my sister and  as husband. My father is became in this person admired by me, because I think we seems much in character, in as react front to situations, in as I am daily, etc. I think from the above I am as he is now.

To from of this photo I think in that the life history of my father and the mine are very similar so more even I am convinced that we very similar in all. 

With my mather are similar perhaps in some ways, but in character I do not look like her as to my father and even when small I would have liked that she is seems in personality a little more to him. In any case my mother 
is seems to my character, but when was small. In this stage was more introverted and I left pass to carry much, but now do not let it pass, is say acted as my father would do in a determined situation. 

By that elected this photo, as represents the history of life that both share.